Design Manual

Manual Intro

Download Introduction (pdf 174 KB)

The current version of the SUDAS Design Manual is the 2025 Edition

The SUDAS manuals are revised once a year, usually in December. When the SUDAS Board of Directors approves changes to the SUDAS Design Manual, those changes can be found on the General Supplemental Design Standards page. Previous editions of the SUDAS Design Manual can be found here.

How to Use the Design Manual

The SUDAS Design Manual is written to the engineer developing a specific project. The manual is an excellent tool for the design engineer to use as the particular aspects of a project are being addressed.  It is not a textbook, but rather a document that provides design guidance through references to appropriate national standards and regulations in Iowa. The Design Manual is a direct complement to the SUDAS Standard Specifications. It has been developed and updated with the involvement of engineers from cities, counties, state agencies, and consultants from across the state.

The subjects included cover almost all of the typical public works projects and are applicable to private, as well as public projects. The initial chapter provides general information about project design, including typical types of information to include.  Guidance is provided about bid item descriptions, items that need to be specified because of the nature of the menu specifications, and proprietary products that meet the standard specifications. The remaining chapters address specific types of projects. Each chapter starts with a general description of the elements dealing with the project type, followed by detailed information about that design. Examples are often included as a means of further clarification of the design concepts.

In addition to the information provided in the Design Manual, the engineer needs to consult with the jurisdiction responsible for the project to ascertain specific elements that may be required by the agency.

Nothing in the Design Manual limits the designer’s use of new and/or innovative technology. The engineer should consider the value gained for the project at hand or future projects as new products or construction techniques are evaluated. Evaluation of the new product or technique must include a comparison to established standards and generally accepted practices prior to incorporation into the project.

Be sure to check the Supplemental Design Standards page to see if any changes to the Design Manual have been approved by the SUDAS Board of Directors.

Modifying the SUDAS Manuals

If you need to modify the SUDAS manuals to meet your jurisdiction’s needs, please read this document first.

Chapter 1: General Provisions

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1A General Information

Section 1A-1: General Information
Download this section (pdf 81 KB)
  1. Purpose
  2. Definitions
  3. Intent of the SUDAS Design Manual
  4. Organization of the Manual
  5. Jurisdiction and Agencies
  6. Amendment and Revisions
  7. Enforcement Responsibility
  8. Interpretation
  9. Innovation

1B Plan Development

Section 1B-1: Classifications of Improvements
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  1. Sanitary Sewer
  2. Water Mains
  3. Drainage Facilities
  4. Erosion and Sediment Control
  5. Entrances
  6. Streets
  7. Utilities
  8. Accessibility
1B-2: Preliminary Plan/Information Development
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  1. General
  2. Bidding Public Improvements
  3. Specific Jurisdiction Requirements

1C Submittal Procedures

Section 1C-1: Submittal Procedures
Download this section (pdf 91 KB)
  1. Construction Plans and Specifications Submittal Procedure
  2. Updates to Previously Approved Plans
  3. Submittal Checklist

1D Detailed Plans for Construction of Public Improvements

Section 1D-1: Detailed Plans for Construction of Public Improvements
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  1. Public Improvement Plan Sheet Requirements
  2. General Information to be Shown on the Construction Plans
  3. Detailed Sanitary and Storm Sewer Plans
  4. Detailed Open Channel and Drainageway Plans
  5. Detailed Paving Plans
  6. Grading Plans/Erosion Control Plans
  7. Water Main Plans
  8. Railroad Crossings
  9. ADA Ramps
Section 1D-2: Items to be Specified on Plans or in Contract Documents
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Section 1D-3: Incidental or Included Items
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Section 1D-4: Bid Items
Download this section (pdf 187 KB)
  1. Standard Bid Items
  2. Supplemental Bid Items

1E Public Improvement Contracts

Section 1E-1: Public Improvements Contracts
Download this section (pdf 114 KB)
  1. General
  2. Contract Documents
  3. Pre-construction Meeting
  4. Materials and Shop Drawings

1F Plans of Record

Section 1F-1: Plans of Record
Download this section (pdf 88 KB)
  1. General
  2. Information to be Shown on Plans of Record

1G Products

Section 1G-1: Products
Download this section (pdf 71 KB)

Page last revised: December 23, 2024

Chapter 2: Stormwater

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2A General Information

Section 2A-1: General Information
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  1. Concept
  2. Informing the Public
  3. Conditions
  4. Unified Sizing Criteria
  5. Floodplain Management
  6. References
Section 2A-2: Stormwater Regulations and Permitting
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  1. Iowa Drainage Law and Resources
  2. Regulated Activities
Section 2A-3: Stormwater Management Criteria
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  1. Minor and Major Design Storms
  2. Design Frequencies for Conveyance Facilities
  3. Street Flow Criteria
  4. References
Section 2A-4: Project Drainage Report
Download this section (pdf 192 KB)
  1. Purpose
  2. Instructions for Preparing Report
  3. Contents
  4. Computer Analysis
  5. References

2B Urban Hydrology and Runoff

Section 2B-1: General Information for Urban Hydrology and Runoff
Download this section (pdf 203 KB)
  1. Introduction
  2. Definitions
  3. References
Section 2B-2: Rainfall and Runoff Periods
Download this section (pdf 603 KB)
  1. Introduction
  2. Rainfall Frequency Analysis
  3. References
Section 2B-3: Time of Concentration
Download this section (pdf 804 KB)
  1. Introduction
  2. Factors Affecting Time of Concentration
  3. NRCS Velocity Method
  4. NRCS Lag Method
  5. References
Section 2B-4: Runoff and Peak Flow
Download this section (pdf 532 KB)
  1. Introduction
  2. Rational Method
  3. SCS Methods
  4. References
Section 2B-5: Watershed Routing (Hydrograph Determination)
Download this section (pdf 291 KB)
  1. Introduction
  2. Modified Rational Method for Basin Routing
  3. Tabular Hydrograph Method
  4. References
Section 2B-6: Runoff Examples
Download this section (pdf 339 KB)
  1. Rational Method Example
  2. SCS Method Example

2C Pavement Drainage and Intake Capacity

Section 2C-1: General Information for Pavement Drainage and Intake Capacity
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  1. Introduction
  2. Design Criteria
  3. References
Section 2C-2: Flow in Gutters
Download this section (pdf 163 KB)
  1. Introduction
  2. Gutter Capacity and Spread
  3. Flow in Sag Vertical Curves
  4. Gutter Flow Times
  5. References
Section 2C-3: Intake Design and Spacing
Download this section (pdf 510 KB)
  1. Introduction
  2. Definitions
  3. Intake Types
  4. Intake Capacity
  5. Design of Intakes On-grade
  6. Design of Intakes in Sag Locations
  7. Storm Sewer Structure Requirements
  8. Manhole and Intake Standards
  9. References

2D Storm Sewer Design

Section 2D-1: General Information for Storm Sewer Design
Download this section (pdf 99 KB)
  1. Introduction
  2. Location of Storm Sewers
  3. Pipe Materials
  4. Physical Requirements
  5. Horizontal Alignment
  6. Separation of Water Mains from Sewer Mains
Section 2D-2: Storm Sewer Sizing
Download this section (pdf 303 KB)
  1. Introduction
  2. Definitions
  3. Hydraulics of Storm Sewers
  4. Conservation of Energy
  5. Hydraulic Losses
  6. References
Section 2D-3: Groundwater Barriers and Outlets
Download this section (pdf 41 KB)
  1. Introduction
  2. Groundwater Barriers
  3. Outlets

2E Culvert Design

Section 2E-1: General Information for Culvert Design
Download this section (pdf 328 KB)
  1. Introduction
  2. Definitions
  3. Site Considerations
  4. Culvert Design Items
  5. Design Considerations
  6. Pipe Material
  7. Pipe Culvert Sizes
  8. Culvert Inlets
  9. Roadway or Street Overtopping
  10. Storage Routing
  11. References
Section 2E-2: Culvert Hydraulics
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  1. Culvert Flow Controls and Equations
  2. Inlet and Outlet Control
  3. Software Versus Nomographs
  4. Use of Inlet and Outlet Control Nomographs
  5. Culvert Design Example
  6. References

2F Open Channel Flow

Section 2F-1: Channel Types and Structures
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  1. Introduction
  2. Channel Types
  3. Drop Structures for Open Channel Flow
Section 2F-2: Open Channel Flow
Download this section (pdf 692 KB)
  1. Introduction
  2. Definitions
  3. Uniform Flow (Manning’s Equation)
  4. Energy Flow
  5. Non-uniform Flow
  6. Hydraulic Jump
  7. References

2G Detention Practices

Section 2G-1: General Information for Detention Practices
Download this section (pdf 262 KB)
  1. Introduction
  2. Storm Detention Regulations
  3. Limitation of Stormwater Runoff
  4. Detention Basin Design Methods
  5. Estimating Storage Volume
  6. Detention Facilities Requirements
  7. References

Page last revised: December 23, 2024

Chapter 3: Sanitary Sewers

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3A General Information

Section 3A-1: General Information
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  1. Concept
  2. Conditions

3B Flow Determination

Section 3B-1: Flow Determination
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  1. Sanitary Sewers Design Period
  2. Footing Drain Inflow
  3. Area
  4. Density Table
  5. Special Design Densities

3C Facility Design

Section 3C-1: Facility Design
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  1. Capacity of Pipe
  2. Flow Within the Pipe
  3. Pipe Material
  4. Manning’s Roughness Coefficient
  5. Minimum Grade
  6. Size of Sewer Pipe
  7. Crossings and Clearances
  8. Depth of Sewer
  9. Location of Sanitary Sewers
  10. Alignment of Sewers
  11. Sewer Linings for Ductile Iron Pipe
  12. Manholes
  13. Sewer Services
  14. Force Mains
  15. Siphons

3D Pipe and Manhole Materials

Section 3D-1: Pipe and Manhole Materials
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3E References

Section 3E-1: References
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Page last revised: December 23, 2024

Chapter 4: Water Mains

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4A General Information

Section 4A-1: General Information
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  1. Concept
  2. Conditions

4B Size Determination

Section 4B-1: Size Determination
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  1. General
  2. Network Analysis
  3. Velocity Requirements
  4. Minimum Criteria
  5. Flow Considerations

4C Facility Design

Section 4C-1: Facility Design
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  1. General
  2. Water Mains
  3. Blowoffs
  4. Valves
  5. Fire Hydrants
  6. Water Service Stubs
  7. Separation of Water Mains from Sewer Mains
  8. Surface Water Crossings
  9. Air Relief Facilities
  10. Valve, Meter, and Blowoff Chambers
  11. Thrust Blocks and Restrained Joints
  12. Crossings
  13. Flushing, Disinfection, and Pressure Tests

4D References

Section 4D-1: References
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Page last revised: December 23, 2024

Chapter 5: Roadway Design

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5A General Information

Section 5A-1: General Information
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  1. Concept
  2. References

5B Street Classifications

Section 5B-1: Street Classifications
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  1. General
  2. Arterial Streets
  3. Collector Streets
  4. Local Streets
  5. Private Streets

5C Geometric Design Criteria

Section 5C-1: Geometric Design Tables
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  1. General
  2. Design Controls and Criteria
  3. Roadway Design Tables
  4. References
Section 5C-2: Geometric Design Elements
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  1. Design Flexibility and Performance-Based Approach
  2. Level of Service
  3. Sight Distance
  4. Horizontal Alignment
  5. Vertical Alignment
  6. Pavement Crowns
  7. Lane Width
  8. Two-way Left-turn Lanes
  9. Raised Median Width
  10. Bridges
  11. Clear Zone
  12. Object Setback
  13. Border Area
  14. Curbs
  15. Parking Lane
  16. Cul-de-sacs
  17. Shoulder Width
  18. Intersection Radii and Right Turning Vehicle Speeds
  19. Pavement Thickness
  20. References

5D Asphalt Pavement Mixture Selection

Section 5D-1: Asphalt Pavement Mixture Selection
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  1. Scope
  2. Definitions
  3. Design Checklist
  4. Material Properties
  5. Use of Mixture Selection Guide and Design Criteria Tables
  6. Example Plans
  7. Examples for Determination of Traffic ESALs
  8. Tables and Figures

5E PCC Pavement Mixture Selection

Section 5E-1: PCC Pavement Mixture Selection
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  1. General Information
  2. Cementitious Materials
  3. Supplementary Cementitious Materials
  4. Aggregates
  5. Chemical Admixtures
  6. Water
  7. Air-entrainment
  8. Slump
  9. Concrete Mixtures
  10. References

5F Pavement Thickness Design

Section 5F-1: Pavement Thickness Design
Download this section (pdf 542 KB)
  1. General
  2. Pavement Thickness Design Parameters
  3. Calculating ESAL Values
  4. Determining Pavement Thickness
  5. Example Pavement Thickness Design Calculations
  6. References

5G PCC Pavement Joints

Section 5G-1: General Information for Joints
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  1. General Information
  2. Crack Development
  3. Crack Control
  4. Considerations for Good Pavement Jointing
  5. Load Transfer
Section 5G-2: Types of Joints
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  1. Jointing
  2. Joint Spacing
  3. Joint Types
  4. Transverse Dowel Bar Size and Length
  5. Joint Reinforced Concrete Pavements
  6. Miscellaneous PCC Pavement Jointing Figures
  7. References
Section 5G-3: Jointing Urban Intersections
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  1. Jointing Urban Transition Areas
  2. Jointing Cul-de-sacs
Section 5G-4: Jointing Rural Intersections
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  1. Example 1: T-Intersection
  2. Example 2: Intersection at a Divided Highway
Section 5G-5: Jointing Concrete Overlays
Download this section (pdf 121 KB)
  1. General Information
  2. Bonded Concrete Overlays
  3. Unbonded Concrete Overlays
  4. References
Section 5G-6: Jointing Concrete Roundabouts
Download this section (pdf 443 KB)
  1. General Information
  2. Types of Jointing Patterns
  3. Jointing Layout Steps

5H Automated Machine Guidance

Section 5H-1: Automated Machine Guidance
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  1. Concept
  2. Deliverables and Computer Inputs
  3. What to Include/Not Include in 3D Engineered Models
  4. Component Naming
  5. Bid Letting
  6. Construction Staking Requirements
  7. Survey Control for AMG Grading
  8. Survey Control for Stringless Operations
  9. Quality Assurance
  10. References

5I Pavement Preservation Program

Section 5I-1: General Information for Pavement Preservation Program
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  1. Concept
  2. Definitions
  3. Benefits
Section 5I-2: Pavement Preservation Process
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  1. Pavement Deterioration
  2. Evaluating Pavement Conditions
Section 5I-3: Preventative Maintenance Treatment Type Selection
Download this section (pdf 78 KB)
  1. Introduction
  2. Flexible Pavement Treatment Types
  3. Rigid Pavement Treatment Types
  4. References
Section 5I-4: Thin Maintenance Surfaces
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  1. General
  2. Seal Coat
  3. Slurry Seal
  4. Microsurfacing
  5. Fog Seal

5J Pavement Rehabilitation Program

Section 5J-1: Overlays
Download this section (pdf 477 KB)
  1. General
  2. Concrete Overlays
  3. HMA Overlays
  4. References
Section 5J-2: Cold-in-Place Recycling
Download this section (pdf 111 KB)
  1. General
  2. Pavement Assessment
  3. Mix Design
  4. Recycling Agents and Additives
  5. Construction
  6. References
Section 5J-3: Full Depth Reclamation
Download this section (pdf 129 KB)
  1. General
  2. Pavement Assessment
  3. Mix Design
  4. Stabilization Methods
  5. Construction
  6. References

5K Permeable Interlocking Pavers

Section 5K-1: Permeable Interlocking Pavers
Download this section (pdf 462 KB)
  1. General
  2. Structural Design
  3. Hydraulic Design
  4. Construction Elements
  5. Maintenance

5L Access Management

Section 5L-1: General Access Management
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  1. General Information
  2. Access Permit Procedure
  3. Definitions
  4. Entrance Type
  5. Access Management Principles
  6. References
Section 5L-2: Transportation System Considerations
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  1. Provide a Specialized Roadway System (Principle 1)
  2. Limit Direct Access to Major Roadways (Principle 2)
  3. Promote Intersection Hierarchy (Principle 3)
  4. Locate Signals to Favor through Movements (Principle 4)
  5. Provide a Supporting Street and Circulation System (Principle 10)
Section 5L-3: Access Location, Spacing, Turn Lanes, and Medians
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  1. Preserve the Functional Area of Intersections and Interchanges (Principle 5)
  2. Limit the Number of Conflict Points (Principle 6)
  3. Separate Conflict Areas (Principle 7)
  4. Remove Turning Traffic from Through-traffic Lanes (Principle 8)
  5. Use Nontraversable Medians to Manage Left Turn Movements (Principle 9)
  6. References
Section 5L-4: Driveway Design Criteria
Download this section (pdf 231 KB)
  1. General
  2. Width Measurement
  3. Dimensions
  4. Sight Distance
  5. Driveway Grades
  6. Other Criteria
  7. References

5M Complete Streets

Section 5M-1: Complete Streets
Download this section (pdf 983 KB)
  1. Background
  2. Design Guidance
  3. Design Elements
  4. Traffic Calming
  5. References

5N Traffic Impact Studies

Section 5N-1: Traffic Impact Studies
Download this section (pdf 97 KB)
  1. General
  2. Study Process
  3. Iowa DOT Access Permits
  4. References

5O Railroad Crossings

Section 5O-1: Railroad Crossings
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  1. Railroad Crossing Improvements
  2. Railroad Crossing Construction
  3. Working with a Railroad
  4. Railroad Related Agencies in Iowa
  5. Railroad Companies in Iowa

Page last revised: December 23, 2024

Chapter 6: Geotechnical

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6A General Information

Section 6A-1: General Information
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  1. Introduction
  2. Definitions
Section 6A-2: Basic Soils Information
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  1. General Information
  2. Soil Types
  3. Classification
  4. Moisture-Density Relationships for Soils
  5. References
Section 6A-3: Typical Iowa Soils
Download this section (pdf 468 KB)
  1. General Information
  2. Iowa Geology
  3. References

6B Subsurface Exploration Program

Section 6B-1: Subsurface Exploration Program
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  1. General Information
  2. Program Phases
  3. Site Characterization
  4. Sampling
Section 6B-2: Testing
Download this section (pdf 153 KB)
  1. General Information
  2. Field Testing
  3. Laboratory Testing
Section 6B-3: Geotechnical Report
Download this section (pdf 26 KB)
  1. Geotechnical Report
  2. References

6C Pavement Systems

Section 6C-1: Pavement Systems
Download this section (pdf 159 KB)
  1. General Information
  2. Pavement Support
  3. Pavement Problems

6D Embankment Construction

Section 6D-1: Embankment Construction
Download this section (pdf 576 KB)
  1. General Information
  2. Site Preparation
  3. Design Considerations
  4. Equipment
  5. Density
  6. Compaction
  7. Embankment Soils
  8. Testing
  9. References

6E Subgrade Design and Construction

Section 6E-1: Subgrade Design and Construction
Download this section (pdf 203 KB)
  1. General Information
  2. Site Preparation
  3. Design Considerations
  4. Strength and Stiffness
  5. Subgrade Construction
  6. References

6F Pavement Subbase Design and Construction

Section 6F-1: Pavement Subbase Design and Construction
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  1. General Information
  2. Granular Subbases
  3. Recycled Materials
  4. Effects of Stability and Permeability on Pavement Foundation
  5. Effect of Compaction
  6. Influence of Aggregate Properties on Permeability of Pavement Bases
  7. Construction Methods
  8. Quality Control/Quality Assurance Testing
  9. References

6G Subsurface Drainage Systems

Section 6G-1: Subsurface Drainage Systems
Download this section (pdf 646 KB)
  1. General Information
  2. Need for Subsurface Drainage
  3. Types of Drainage Systems
  4. Design
  5. Construction Issues
  6. Maintenance
  7. References

6H Foundation Improvement and Stabilization

Section 6H-1: Foundation Improvement and Stabilization
Download this section (pdf 255 KB)
  1. General Information
  2. Stabilization
  3. Subsurface Drainage
  4. Geosynthetics
  5. Soil Encapsulation
  6. Moisture Conditioning
  7. Granular Subbases
  8. References

Page last revised: December 23, 2024

Chapter 7: Erosion and Sediment Control

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7A General Information

Section 7A-1: General Information
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  1. Purpose
  2. Background
  3. Definitions

7B Regulatory Requirements

Section 7B-1: Regulatory Requirements
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  1. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
  2. NPDES Construction Site Permitting
  3. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
  4. Who is Responsible
  5. Transfer of Ownership and Responsibilities

7C The Erosion and Sedimentation Process

Section 7C-1: The Erosion and Sedimentation Process
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  1. The Erosion Process
  2. Factors Affecting Erosion
  3. Sediment Transportation

7D Design Criteria

Section 7D-1: Design Criteria
Download this section (pdf 227 KB)
  1. Introduction
  2. Erosion Control
  3. Calculating Soil Loss
  4. Sediment Removal

7E Design Information for Erosion and Sediment Control Measures

Section 7E-1: Design Information for Erosion and Sediment Control Measures
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  1. General
  2. Flow Control
  3. Erosion Control
  4. Sediment Control
  5. Runoff Reduction
  6. Flow Diversion
  7. Selecting Control Measures
Section 7E-2: Compost Blanket
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  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
  5. Time of Year
  6. Regional Location
Section 7E-3: Filter Berms
Download this section (pdf 175 KB)
  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
Section 7E-4: Filter Socks
Download this section (pdf 205 KB)
  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
Section 7E-5: Temporary Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECP)
Download this section (pdf 284 KB)
  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
  5. Time of Year
  6. Design Example
Section 7E-6: Wattles
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  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
Section 7E-7: Check Dams
Download this section (pdf 281 KB)
  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
  5. Time of Year
  6. Design Example
Section 7E-8: Temporary Earth Diversion Berms
Download this section (pdf 99 KB)
  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
  5. Time of Year
  6. Regional Location
Section 7E-9: Level Spreaders
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  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
  5. Time of Year
  6. Regional Location
Section 7E-10: Rip Rap
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  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
Section 7E-11: Temporary Pipe Slope Drains
Download this section (pdf 345 KB)
  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
  5. Design Example
Section 7E-12: Temporary Sediment Basin
Download this section (pdf 557 KB)
  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
  5. Design Example
Section 7E-13: Sediment Traps
Download this section (pdf 148 KB)
  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
Section 7E-14: Silt Fences
Download this section (pdf 291 KB)
  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
  5. Time of Year
Section 7E-15: Stabilized Construction Exit
Download this section (pdf 195 KB)
  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
Section 7E-16: Dust Control
Download this section (pdf 144 KB)
  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
Section 7E-17: Erosion Control Mulching
Download this section (pdf 161 KB)
  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
  5. Time of Year
Section 7E-18: Turf Reinforcement Mats (TRM)
Download this section (pdf 178 KB)
  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
  5. Design Example
Section 7E-19: Surface Roughening
Download this section (pdf 209 KB)
  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
Section 7E-20: Inlet Protection
Download this section (pdf 176 KB)
  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
Section 7E-21: Rip Rap Alternatives
Download this section (pdf 253 KB)
  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
Section 7E-22: Temporary Erosion Control Seeding
Download this section (pdf 149 KB)
  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
  5. Time of Year
Section 7E-23: Grass Channel
Download this section (pdf 291 KB)
  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
  5. Time of Year
  6. Design Example
Section 7E-24: Permanent Seeding
Download this section (pdf 97 KB)
  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
  5. Time of Year
Section 7E-25: Sodding
Download this section (pdf 120 KB)
  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
  5. Time of Year
Section 7E-26: Vegetative Filter Strip
Download this section (pdf 209 KB)
  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
Section 7E-27: Rock Chutes and Flumes
Download this section (pdf 84 KB)
  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
Section 7E-28: Flocculents
Download this section (pdf 89 KB)
  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
  5. Time of Year
Section 7E-29: Flotation Silt Curtain
Download this section (pdf 86 KB)
  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
  5. Time of Year
Section 7E-30: Stockpile Management
Download this section (pdf 126 KB)
  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application
  4. Maintenance
Section 7E-31: Greenspace and Buffer Areas
Download this section (pdf 165 KB)
  1. Description/Uses
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Application

7F Appendix

Section 7F-1: Appendix
Download this section (pdf 87 KB)

7G References

Section 7G-1: References
Download this section (pdf 37 KB)

Page last revised: December 23, 2024

Chapter 8: Parking Lots

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8A General Information

Section 8A-1: General Information
Download this section (pdf 19 KB)
  1. General
  2. References

8B Layout and Design

Section 8B-1: Layout and Design
Download this section (pdf 486 KB)
  1. Parking Lot Access
  2. Parking Lot Circulation
  3. Parking Lot Dimensions
  4. Accessibility Requirements
  5. Drainage
  6. Pavement Design

8C Site Provisions

Section 8C-1: Site Provisions
Download this section (pdf 133 KB)
  1. General
  2. Number of Parking Spaces Required
  3. Parking Lot Setback Requirements
  4. Landscaping and Screening
  5. Lighting
  6. Pavement Markings

Page last revised: December 23, 2024

Chapter 9: Utilities

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9A General Information

9A-1: General Information
Download this section (pdf 348 KB)
  1. General
  2. Definitions
  3. Design

9B Trench Design

9B-1: General Information for Trench Design
Download this section (pdf 88 KB)
  1. Trench Theory
  2. Bedding and Foundation Materials
  3. Backfill Materials
  4. Dewatering
9B-2: Rigid Pipes
Download this section (pdf 304 KB)
  1. Introduction
  2. Trench Width
  3. Pipe Strength
  4. Bedding Factors
  5. Live Load
9B-3: Flexible Pipes
Download this section (pdf 300 KB)
  1. Introduction
  2. Soil-pipe Interaction
  3. Pipe Design
  4. Flexible Pipe Bedding
  5. Trench Width
  6. Pressure Pipe
9B-4: Ductile Iron Pipe
Download this section (pdf 172 KB)
  1. Introduction
  2. Pipe Design
  3. Bedding
9B-5: Depth of Bury Tables
Download this section (pdf 235 KB)
  1. General
  2. Rigid Pipe Assumptions
  3. Flexible Pipe Assumptions
  4. Ductile Iron Pipe Assumptions

9C Casing Pipe

9C-1: Casing Pipe
Download this section (pdf 28 KB)
  1. General
  2. Casing Thickness
  3. Casing Diameter

9D Utility Cut Restoration

9D-1: Utility Cut Restoration
Download this section (pdf 488 KB)
  1. General
  2. Background
  3. Factors Affecting Patch Performance
  4. Recommended Utility Trench

9E References

9E-1: References
Download this section (pdf 21 KB)

Page last revised: December 23, 2024

Chapter 10: Street Tree Criteria

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10A General Information

Section 10A-1: General Information
Download this section (pdf 28 KB)
  1. Concept
  2. Conditions

10B Street Tree Design

Section 10B-1: Street Tree Design
Download this section (pdf 178 KB)
  1. Area Requirement per Tree
  2. Spacing
  3. Location within Public Right-of-way
  4. Tree Size
  5. Selection of Trees
  6. Trees NOT Recommended for Planting in the Public Right-of-Way
  7. Guideline for Selection of Nursery Trees
  8. Staking of Trees

10C References

Section 10C-1: References
Download this section (pdf 27 KB)

Page last revised: December 23, 2024

Chapter 11: Street Lighting

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Any agency considering use of LED street lights should be aware that the Iowa Code establishes high pressure sodium fixtures as the default street light. However, LED street lights may be used if an evaluation, approved by the Iowa Utilities Board, shows that the LED lights are more energy efficient. See Section 11A-1, C.

11A General Information

Section 11A-1: General Information
Download this section (pdf 185 KB)
  1. General
  2. Iowa Code
  3. Industry Outlook
  4. Definitions
  5. References

11B Luminaires

Section 11B-1: Luminaires
Download this section (pdf 746 KB)
  1. Lighting Sources
  2. Light System Depreciation
  3. Luminaire Light Distribution Classifications
  4. References
Section 11B-2: LED Lighting
Download this section (pdf 97 KB)
  1. LED vs. HPS Lighting
  2. LED Lighting Advantages
  3. LED Lighting Disadvantages

11C Facility Design

Section 11C-1: Facility Design
Download this section (pdf 325 KB)
  1. General
  2. Design Process
  3. References

Page last revised: December 23, 2024

Chapter 12: Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities

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12A Pedestrian Facilities

Section 12A-1: General Sidewalk Requirements
Download this section (pdf 187 KB)
  1. Introduction
  2. Sidewalk and Walkway Widths
  3. Sidewalk Classes
  4. Accessible Sidewalk Design
  5. Construction Requirements
Section 12A-2: Accessible Sidewalk Requirements
Download this section (pdf 905 KB)
  1. Introduction
  2. Transition Plan
  3. Definitions
  4. Applicability
  5. Standards for Accessibility
  6. Bus Stop
  7. Accessible Pedestrian Signals
  8. On-Street Parking
Section 12A-3: Protruding Objects
Download this section (pdf 258 KB)
  1. Introduction
  2. Protruding Object Locations
  3. Clearance
Section 12A-4: Pedestrian Facilities During Construction
Download this section (pdf 49 KB)
  1. Introduction
  2. Evaluating Pedestrian Needs
  3. Facility Options
  4. Barricades, Channelizing Devices, and Signs
  5. Temporary Pedestrian Facilities
  6. Utility Construction
Section 12A-5: Pedestrian Safety Measures at Crossings
Download this section (pdf 634 KB)
  1. Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP)
  2. Selecting Crossing Locations for Pedestrian Safety Measures
  3. Design for Safe Pedestrian Crossings
  4. Design of Pedestrian Safety Measures
  5. Pedestrian Safety at Interchanges
  6. References

12B Bicycle Facilities

Section 12B-1: Selecting Bicycle Facilities
Download this section (pdf 407 KB)
  1. Introduction
  2. Definitions
  3. Bicycle Design User Profiles
  4. Bicycle Network Design Process
Section 12B-2: Shared Use Path Design
Download this section (pdf 702 KB)
  1. Accessible Shared Use Path Design
  2. Shared Use Path Categories
  3. Shared Use Path Design Elements
  4. Intersection Sight Distance
  5. Surface
  6. Crossings at Unpaved Surfaces
  7. At-grade Railroad Crossing
  8. Drainage
  9. Structure Design
  10. Pavement Markings
  11. Signing
  12. Lighting
Section 12B-3: On-Street Bicycle Facilities
Download this section (pdf 2 MB)
  1. General
  2. Elements of Design
  3. Shared Lanes
  4. Paved Shoulders
  5. Bicycle Lanes
  6. Intersection Design
  7. Retrofitting Bicycle Facilities on Existing Roadways
  8. Bicycle Boulevards
  9. Bicycle Guide Signs
  10. Railroad Crossings for Bicycles
  11. Obstruction Markings for Bicycle Lanes
  12. Traffic Signals for Bicycles
  13. Bridges and Viaducts for Bicycles
  14. Traffic Calming and Management of Bicycles
  15. Intake Grates and Manhole Castings for Bicycle Travel
  16. Bicycles at Interchanges
  17. Bicycles at Roundabouts
  18. References

Page last revised: December 23, 2024

Chapter 13: Traffic Control

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13A Traffic Signals

Section 13A-1: Traffic Signal General Information
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  1. Introduction
  2. Scope
Section 13A-2: Traffic Control Signal Needs Study
Download this section (pdf 85 KB)
  1. General
  2. Data Collection
  3. Warrants
Section 13A-3: Traffic Signal Features
Download this section (pdf 114 KB)
  1. Traffic Control Signal Features
  2. Pedestrian Control Features
  3. Agency Specific Information
  4. Signal Design Criteria
  5. Additional Information
Section 13A-4: Traffic Signal Design Consideration
Download this section (pdf 434 KB)
  1. Geometrics
  2. Operational Characteristics
  3. System (Arterial) Considerations
  4. Signal Design Elements
  5. Traffic Signal Operations
  6. Pedestrian Signal Timing and Design
  7. Motorists, Bicyclists, and Pedestrian Expectations
  8. Future Development and Improvements
  9. References
Section 13A-5: Traffic Signal Specifications Information
Download this section (pdf 292 KB)
  1. Part 1 – General
  2. Part 2 – Products
  3. Supplemental Requirements
  4. Temporary Traffic Signals

13B Work Zone Traffic Control

Section 13B-1: Work Zone General Information
Download this section (pdf 94 KB)
  1. Introduction
  2. Importance of Quality Traffic Control
  3. Applicable Standards and Reference
  4. Work Duration
Section 13B-2: Work Zone Set Up
Download this section (pdf 135 KB)
  1. Major Elements
Section 13B-3: Temporary Traffic Control Devices
Download this section (pdf 324 KB)
  1. Regulatory Signs
  2. Warning Signs
  3. Guide Signs
  4. Sign Dimensions
  5. Sign Installation
  6. Spacing of Signs
  7. Channelizing Devices
Section 13B-4: Inspection and Documentation of Temporary Traffic Control
Download this section (pdf 114 KB)
  1. Documenting Inspections
  2. Documenting Crashes in the Work Zone
Section 13B-5: Other Work Zone Considerations
Download this section (pdf 89 KB)
  1. Flagging in Work Zones
  2. High-Visibility Safety Apparel
  3. Nighttime Operations
  4. Accommodation of Pedestrians and Bicyclists
  5. Road and Street Closures
  6. Business Access
Section 13B-6: Work Zone Traffic Control References
Download this section (pdf 63 KB)

Page last revised: December 23, 2024

Chapter 14: Trenchless Construction

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14A General Information

Section 14A-1: General Information
Download this section (pdf 107 KB)
  1. Purpose
  2. When to Consider Trenchless Construction
  3. Cost Analysis of Trenchless vs. Open Cut Construction
  4. Definitions
Section 14A-2: Commonly Used Trenchless Technologies
Download this section (pdf 28 KB)
  1. Techniques Common in the United States
  2. Techniques Common in Iowa

14B New Construction

Section 14B-1: Planning a Bore
Download this section (pdf 121 KB)
  1. Bore Pit Locations
  2. Manhole Locations
  3. Bore Lengths
  4. Acceptable Tolerances
  5. Information to Provide to Contractor
  6. Risk Allocation
  7. Drawing on Contractor’s Expertise
Section 14B-2: Methods of New Construction
Download this section (pdf 984 KB)
  1. Trenchless Methods for New Construction
  2. Expected Service Life for New Construction
  3. Auger Boring
  4. Compaction Boring
  5. Pipe Ramming
  6. Slurry Methods
  7. Horizontal Directional Drilling
  8. Pipe Jacking and Utility Tunneling
  9. Microtunneling

14C Rehabilitation

Section 14C-1: Evaluation of Existing Conditions for Rehabilitation
Download this section (pdf 25 KB)
  1. Introduction
  2. Evaluating the Condition of the Existing System
  3. Selection of a Rehabilitation Technique
Section 14C-2: Pipeline Rehabilitation
Download this section (pdf 726 KB)
  1. Cured-in-place Pipe (CIPP)
  2. Fold-and-formed Pipe (FFP) and Deformed Reformed Pipe (DRP) Lining
  3. Sliplining
  4. Pipe Bursting
Section 14C-3: Manhole Rehabilitation
Download this section (pdf 87 KB)
  1. Introduction
  2. Corrosion Resistant Chimney Sealant
  3. Centrifugally Cast Mortar
  4. In-situ Manhole Replacement

14D References

Section 14D-1: References
Download this section (pdf 27 KB)

Page last revised: December 23, 2024